Welcome to Selena’s Fantage Blog ;D

Hey everyone! It’s Selena here! welcome to my blog! this blog will have ♡Daily Posts♡ ♡Random Stuff♡ ♡LinePlay♡ and ♡Fantage♡ related things!


I am a huge arianator..HUGE ARIANATOR


Here are OF some of my favorite things:

Dan And Phil 



Ariana Grande



See you guys soon! ♡



To start off…Happy New Year!


It’s been quite some time.. 


I’ve been super busy with school and EXTREMELY stressed out. I’m even more stressed out as I’m preparing for MAJOR tests that I have coming up. I’ve been playing Fantage for the past week as well and I think I may come back. I’m going to revamp this blog and make it better than ever. Hopefully 2018 is the year for FTWP and Fantage (hopefully) steps up their game and people start to come back. 


– Selena

Happy Belated Birthday Marina!

Happy Belated Birthday Marina! I’ve known you for about 3 years now and you’ve been such a great friend to me these past years. I apologize for not posting this on your birthday 😦


Anyways, I hope you had a great birthday! 🙂


Quick Post

I know I’ve been so inactive but these days I’ve had so much on my hands 😦 hopefully I can get on to brd soon, lineplay as well! 

Summer is so close!!

Hey guys!!

I only have 4 1/2 more days of school left!!
Meaning, I will definitely be on fantage more as well as fairyabc and line play 🙂 

Anyway, I really hope that more people come back to ftwp because it’s so boring now 😦

Almost My 3 Year Anniversary c:

Aloha  fellow Fantagians and welcome to another post on  the one and only “Fantalicous” 

Haha, forget I ever said that.

Anywise, I’m on month 2 of my PM which is just magnificent considering I get gold every month and can buy more items 🙂

I’ve recently started going on Fantage more often so I have a few screenshots to share with you guys of the current, improved, SelenaAdorable52!


Updated IDPhone:


Updated Selena:


Likewise, I also want to remind everyone about my 3 year anniversary on WP. I’m not doing anything special because if you have followed any of my blogs since I have started WordPress then you’ll know that I am not one to do things on time like how last year I completely forgot about BlogCon (Haha).


So in that case, I’ll probably spend a half an hour on LinePlay chatting with friends and such.

I will be ending the post here so I hope that everyone has a good day/night and we’ll chat soon 🙂


New Event + OOTD

Hello guys and welcome to my first actual Fantage post of the month!

I am officially back and ready to start doing FT blogging again (unless hiatus otherwise)

So let’s start with a few details on the party :

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 6.23.37 PM

Okay so peep the little ‘tomorrow’ thingy in this picture lmao

Anyway, when you log onto Fantage, you’ll see this little icon :

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 6.23.12 PM

Now, when you click that it’ll bring you to this screen :

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 6.23.49 PM.png

Basically the point of this event is to play games at ‘The Enchanted Grotto’ to collect puzzle pieces to level up ( not like level up on your id phone, you’re leveling up in the event)

Now that I have talked about the event, I have some news.

First off, I got a PM!!

Second, I got a new face on Lineplay xD


Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 6.23.00 PM

See you all in the next post, bye! 


Fantage Blogging Again?

Hey guys!! 

I haven’t posted her in a while and I’d like to start posting again. I’m also very interested in Fantage and bringing the community back again. I’m getting a PM so I am really excited about that lol

I also got a new computer, a macbook pro. It’s much faster than my HP and doesn’t lag when I go onto Fantage (Thank Goodness)

I’ve been playing on LinePlay a lot and I’m saving up for a face so I’ve really been active the last few days.

I know I am very jumpy and switch from blogging to not blogging to quitting (more like a temporary hiatus) but I am very decisive that I’ll be staying here unless I go on hiatus.

See you on the next post lol 




So I decided to look at some old blog posts and I’m like so disgusted in myself that it’s not even funny. The amount of swears I’ve said in my posts were like so outrageous (I’m over exaggerating but seriously) and I’m nothing like that anymore.


Hello there.


I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas/holiday break lol


I just wanted to say sorry for my inactivity. I’m not really into blogging all that much anymore and I am just overwhelmed with school and a lot of other things. I don’t go on LinePlay that much anymore and I haven’t been on fantage since last summer. 


I’ve really been into studyblr so I might start one of those soon or just turn this into a study blog. I also haven’t gotten a chance to hop on BRD which I need to do soon.


And, Happy New Year. I know 2016 wasn’t the greatest year, with all the deaths and drama and stuff but hopefully we’ll have a low key 2017 without a crap ton of drama (no promises) and nicer people. 

